Tips For Maintaining Septic Tank

A septic tank is an underground, watertight chamber typically constructed from concrete, fiberglass, or polyethylene. Its primary function is to retain wastewater for a sufficient period, allowing solids to settle at the bottom as sludge, while oils and grease rise to the surface, forming a layer of scum.

Is your Septic Tank facing issues similar to this?

Septic tanks, while effective for managing wastewater in areas without centralized sewage systems, can encounter several issues that impact their performance and longevity. Here are some common problems faced with septic tanks:

  1. Clogs & Blockages: Solids can clog pipes, leading to backups and sluggish drainage.
  2. Scum & Sludge: Unpumped tanks might overflow, accumulate, or break.
  3. Drain Field Failure: Clogs lead to the surface of effluent, which produces smells and poses health dangers.
  4. Leaks and Cracks: Ground water is contaminated by leaky, cracked tanks.
  5. Non-biodegradables: Chemicals or flushing wipes degrade surfaces and require expensive repairs.
  6. Inadequate Installation: Poor drainage and frequent spills are caused by poor design.
  7. Chemical Imbalance: Chemicals reduce efficiency by killing microorganisms.
  8. Odors: Bad odors point to leaks or obstructions that require immediate repair.

 How To Resolve the Above, Here Are Some Tips:

Know Your System: Familiarize yourself with the location of your septic tank and drain field to prevent accidental damage during yard work or construction.

Fix Plumbing Leaks Promptly: Address any plumbing leaks immediately to prevent excess water from entering the septic system.

Use Septic-Safe Cleaners: Choose products that are septic-friendly and avoid harsh chemicals and antibacterial soaps that can disrupt the beneficial bacteria in the tank.

Pump the Tank Regularly: Septic tanks generally need to be pumped every 3 to 5 years. The frequency depends on the tank’s size and household usage. Regular pumping helps prevent clogs and overflow.

Monitor Water Usage: Excessive water usage can overload your septic system. Install water-saving fixtures and spread-out activities like laundry and dishwashing to avoid overwhelming the system.

Schedule Regular Inspections: Have a professional inspect your septic system every 1 to 3 years, depending on its size and household usage, to catch potential issues early.

Introducing T1B Septic – The Ultimate Solution for Your Septic Tank Problems

T1B Septic Cleaning Powder is your go-to solution for maintaining a clean, odor-free, and smoothly running septic system.

Powered by natural bacteria and enzymes, T1B Septic works tirelessly to break down waste, reduce sludge, and keep your system operating at its best.

T1B Septic can deliver following results:

  1. Reduction in organic sludge & nutrients.
  2. Degrades faecal sludge quickly and effective.
  3. An economical approach to biodegrade septage.
  4. Suppresses disease-causing faecal coliform.
  5. Excellent odour & VOC control.
  6. Lowers frequent pump outs.


Don’t wait for septic problems to escalate. With T1B Septic Cleaning Powder, you can maintain a cleaner, more efficient system while saving on maintenance costs. Whether you manage a home, society, hostel, or restaurant, this is the solution you’ve been waiting for.

Ready to resolve your Septic Tank Problems?

Shop Now At: and get 10% off on first purchase.

PCT Bio Digester Product For Inoculum, Odour Control, Choke Up, Bacteria, Public Toilets, Public Sanitation

Bioremediation is a reliable and need-of-the-hour approach to managing public community septic wastage. The eventual waste build-up in septic tanks decreases their effectiveness and potentially leads to environmental contamination in case of leaks or overflows.

T1B PCT-Bio introduces specific bacteria capable of decomposing organic matter in the waste, toxic compounds like ammonia, hydrogen sulphide and nitrates into favourable nutrients and help restore the natural balance of the microbial population of the tanks.

T1B PCT-Bio functions even in lower oxygen levels, tolerates shock loads, and suppresses the growth and build-up of faecal coliform bacteria by competing for nutrients and space in waste. The bio cultures present in T1B PCT-Bio minimise or even completely eliminates the need for chemical treatment and prevent excessive use of water for septic cleaning and pump outs.

The advantage of using T1B PCT-Bio lies in its resiliency to overcome potential fluctuations in variables such as temperature, pH and oxygen availability and is a proven method to biodegrade human wastage and has a wide range of applications. T1B PCT-Bio can be used in biodigesters, public and community toilets, septic tanks, housing societies, apartment complexes, commercial places like malls etc.

T1B PCT-Bio | For Treatment Of Human Feacal Waste In Public Toilets & Septic Tanks – Reduces Odours & Feacal Coliform Bacteria

 Public And Community Toilets – Bio Digester Inoculum – Bio Digester Choke Up – Bio Digester Bacteria – Bio Digester Bio Product – Bio Toilet And Bio Digester – Odour Control In Bio Digester – Feacal Sludge Degradation – Liquefaction Of Human Sludge Waste – Public Toilets – Community Toilet Septic Tank – Bio Toilet Bio Product, Bacteria – Concentrated Bio Product – Swachh Bharat Mission – SBM – Sanitation  –  Public Sanitation – FSTP – Feacal Sludge Treatment Plant – One Time Addition Bacteria, Bio Product – Septage Bioremediation – Septage Bio Degradation – Septage Treatment – Sludge Degradation – Human Poo Remediation – Human Solid Waste Bio Product – Obnoxious Odors – Foul Smell – Odour Control

Septic Tank For Bacteria, Cleaners, System Maintenance & Repair, Pumping, Treatment, Additives, Bio Product, Cleaning

The biggest challenge with septic tank system is accumulation of human fecal sludge and the presence of fecal coliform bacteria and high amount of odour generation. These problems intreated can cause growth of bacterial mat, plumbing backups in leach fields, sewage odours and standing water issues.

T1B Septic is a microbiome culture, mixture of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and enzymes that help break down the sewage waste collected in septic tanks. The aerobic and anaerobic bacteria compete with fecal coliform bacteria for nutrients thereby suppressing the growth of coliforms.

The enzymes and other microorganisms present in TOB Septic commence the breakdown of organic matter in septic waste swiftly.

The Team One Biotech’s T1B Septic is an infallible choice for a naturally made bio solution to lower the growth and risk of pathogenic contamination in septic systems, domestic sewage disposal systems, soak pits, biodigesters, drain leach fields etc and to eradicate generation of VOCs and odours.

T1B Septic | Bioculture – Microbial Formulation For Cleaning Septic Tanks, Biodigesters – Effective Against Faecal Coliform, odour control

 Bacteria For Septic Tank – Septic Tank Cleaners – Septic System Maintenance – Septic Tank Pumping – Septic Tank Treatment – Septic Tank Additives – Septic System Repair – Septic Tank Bio Product – Septic Tank Cleaning Bacteria – Wastewater Treatment – Sewage Treatment – Biodegradable Cleaners – Natural Cleaners – Bacteria-Based Cleaners – Enzyme-Based Cleaners – Non-Toxic Cleaners – Cesspool Treatment – Grease Trap Treatment – Drain Field Treatment – Plumbing Maintenance – Sewer line Cleaning – Hydrojetting – Emergency Septic Services. – Micro Encapsulated Organisms – Toilet Smell – Repulsive Toilet Smells – Microbial Blend For Septic Tank – Liquid Waste Management – Foul Odor Elimination – Suppress The Growth Of Pathogens – Solid Digestion – Effective Sludge Degradation – Sludge Degradation – Bio Culture For Septic Tanks – Sludge Degradation – Faecal Sludge Degradation – Fecal Sludge Degradation – Bacteria Microbial Culture – Prevents Overflow – Household Septic Tanks – Commercial Septic Tanks – Holding Tanks – Portable Toilets – Soak Pits – Bio Digester – Cess Poll – Odour Control- FOG Digestion – House Hold Chemicals – Undigested Human Waste – Bio Products For Human Poo Digestion

Importance of in-situ faecal degradation in septic tanks
Importance of in-situ faecal degradation in septic tanks

Even in today’s time, septic tanks are an essential component for many because access to public sewage systems is limited. Septic tanks are basically designed to collect and treat wastewater from toilets, sinks, and other sources with the help of a natural process called “bioremediation”. In-situ faecal degradation plays a significant role in treating human waste and preventing the release of harmful pathogens into the environment.

In-situ faecal degradation is the process by which naturally present microorganisms in the septic tank break down and digest the solid waste that enters the tank. Most of the natural microorganisms responsible for this process are anaerobic in nature i.e. they do not require oxygen to function. Most of these microorganisms are naturally present in human solid waste and they play a critical role in breaking down the organic matter in the solid waste. The way this process works, it that the microbes such as bacteria break down the organic matter in the solid waste and convert it into simpler compounds like methane, carbon dioxide, and water. Due to this simple nature’s process, a large amount of solid waste in the septic tank is lowered and gets liquified which helps in better percolation and also prevents it from overflowing or clogging the system. It also helps in controlling the release of pathogens in our environment, by a principle of competitive exclusion.

With the growth in science and technology, a lot of antibiotics and other chemicals are widely used in modern society. Antibiotics are commonly used to treat bacterial infections, and chemical residue can be found in various sources such as drugs, personal care products, and household cleaning agents. After these chemicals are consumed or used, they are processed by the body and eventually excreted in urine or faeces. All of these residues eventually find their way into the septic tanks.

One of the most significant concerns associated with antibiotic and chemical residue in human waste is the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. When antibiotics are excreted in human waste, they can enter the environment and contribute to the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. These bacteria can then spread through water and soil, potentially impacting other animals and humans. Also such chemicals can kill of the natural microbial community which was capable of the degradation of human waste. This leads to improper treatment of sewage before being released into the environment, which can lead to eutrophication in our natural water bodies. This also leads to the failure of s septic tank.

One of the most effective ways to reduce the impact of antibiotic and chemical residue in human waste is through use of natural robust microbial cultures in your septic tank. A good microbial community can effectively remove most of the antibiotics and chemicals present in human waste before it is released into the environment.

Further individuals can take steps to reduce their use of antibiotics and chemicals, which can help to reduce the amount of residue that ends up in human waste. Switch to the use of natural cleaning products, and try to reduce the use of pharmaceuticals whenever possible

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