We believe the world’s biggest problems can be solved by its tiniest inhabitants.
The last century of rampant industrialisation and exploitation of natural resources has forever altered the delicate balance between planet, human, plant and animal life once maintained by microbial ecosystems. Once the lungs of every ecosystem, microbes have been sidelined by the overuse of chemical and synthetic agents.
At Team One Biotech, we’re combining research, innovation and speed to create path-breaking formulations that put these magnEfficient™️ Microbes back in their rightful place where they belong.
The result? Bespoke bio-based remediation solutions that save you time and money, and most importantly, are better for the environment. Our solutions optimise production while ensuring economic sustainability.

Get in touch
Our formulations could be just the solution your company needs. Let’s talk about how we can work together to make a difference.
Contact us at +91 8855050575 to learn more about our products and services or Email us at sales@teamonebiotech.com