Improved COD Removal Efficiency in a CETP Using T1B Aerobio Cultures


A Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) is designed to collect, treat, and discharge effluents from multiple industries. Treating CETP effluent is particularly challenging due to the complex mix of organic and inorganic compounds, heavy metals, and pollutants. The use of bio cultures for CETP wastewater treatment offers a sustainable, cost-effective solution to these challenges.

One of our CETP clients in Gujarat (GIDC) received effluents from diverse sources, including textile, chemical, dyes, intermediate, and food industries. These effluents exhibited high levels of COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand), and color. The CETP, with a capacity of 100 MLD, utilized SBR technology for wastewater treatment.

ETP Flow chart:

  • Treatment Process: Primary treatment → SBR-based biological treatment.
  • Setup: 10 SBR tanks, each processing 10 MLD of effluent.
  • Flow Rate: 10 MLD
  • COD Levels:
  1. Inlet COD: 1500 to 2200 ppm
  2. Outlet COD (post-SBR): 500 to 700 ppm


  • The CETP sought to improve COD removal efficiency and reduce effluent color levels.
  • It required robust and active bacterial cultures for CETP treatment to handle shock loads during peak seasons and maintain performance during winters.
  • Stabilizing the system’s biomass and enhancing its resilience were key objectives.

The approach: It was decided that we go ahead with one of their worst performing SBR tank.  After conducting a lab base trail and WMA, we went ahead with our techno-commercial offer for 10 MLD for one of their SBR. (Please Note: The lab trial carried out is specifically designed to provide a clear indication of whether our microbial consortia can grow in their effluent along with some reduction in the pollution parameters. WMA shows the health of the current biomass which tell us a lot in terms of the biological efficiency and future direction)

 Steps Taken:

  • Assessment of Active Microbes: Analyzed the current status of active microbes and the overall biological efficiency of the system.
  • Lowering MLSS (Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids): Reduced MLSS levels from 4000+ ppm to around 2000 ppm to enable faster stabilization of T1B Aerobio cultures.
  • Bioaugmentation with T1B Aerobio Cultures: Introduced robust microbial consortia into the SBR system, gradually establishing a strong microbial population.

Dosing Schedule:

  • Total Dosing: 900 kg of T1B Aerobio cultures over 2 months.
  • Phase 1 (Month 1): Higher doses to establish microbial activity.
  • Phase 2 (Month 2): Maintenance dosing to sustain efficiency.

Results and discussions:

  • The bioaugmented SBR had better reduction in terms of COD removal more by 25 to 40% as compared to their other SBR tanks.
  • The biomass in the SBR tank was much more stable and robust as compared to biomass in other tanks as per the Wastewater Microbiome Report “WMA” as below.

What is Wastewater Microbiome Analysis (WMA)?

 Microscopic analyses of any biological system should be a critical component of any ongoing daily, weekly, or monthly monitor and control programs in your WWTP.

WMA helps you to correlate the health of the system, any changes in floc structures, higher life forms, oxygen penetration, filamentous identification, polysaccharide coating of the bacteria, and suspended solids can be determined by using a high-end microscope and examining the biomass. WMA can help not only show exactly what the health of the system is at a given time but can also help predict which direction the plant is headed if used regularly. It can also help prevent critical upsets, or can also be used as an early warning and help avoid costly chemical consumption

Key Components of WMA:

  1. Floc Analysis
  • Floc Size Distribution: Determines the settleability of sludge. Ideal floc sizes range from 100 to 5000 µm.
  • EPS/Slime Analysis: Evaluates the floc-forming properties of bacteria, which are critical for stable treatment processes.
  • Sludge Age Analysis: Assesses the biological health of the plant using parameters like SRT and MCRT.
  • Oxygen Penetration: Analyzes oxygen availability within flocs, ensuring aerobic conditions for microbial activity.
  1. Filamentous Biomass Analysis
  • Identifies harmful filaments (e.g., Nocardia) that can cause foaming or bulking.
  • Staining methods like Neisser and Gram staining help classify filaments.
  1. Higher Life Form Analysis
  • Identifies protozoa, metazoa, and other organisms that indicate system health and sludge age.


Basic WMA findings

From the microscopic images of bioaugmented SBR (with T1B Aerobio cultures) and non-bioaugmented SBR (without T1B Aerobio cultures) it can be clearly seen the number, size, structure of sample of sludge from treated SBR shows better quantifiable microbial activities then non treated SBR which can also be seen from the better reduction in terms of COD.


Looking to improve your CETP performance? Choose T1B Aerobio cultures for robust, efficient, and eco-friendly wastewater treatment. Contact us today to transform your effluent management system!

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