Case Study: Dairy Effluent Treatment with T1B™ Anaerobio Bioculture

Effluent treatment is a significant challenge in the dairy industry due to the high organic load and variability in wastewater characteristics. Dairy wastewater primarily contains fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and high levels of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), originating from milk processing, cleaning, and equipment sanitization.

A dairy processing plant in Gujarat faced persistent issues with their effluent treatment plant (ETP), which utilized an anaerobic-aerobic treatment system. The high COD and BOD levels, along with frequent fat and oil accumulation, disrupted the biological processes, resulting in poor treatment efficiency.

Plant Details:

  • Flow Rate: 250 KLD
  • UASB Tank: 750 KLD
  • Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT): 3 days

The Initial Approach:
Our team conducted a detailed site evaluation, including effluent characterization and operational analysis. The following issues were identified:

  1. High COD levels (>15,000 ppm) due to milk solids and cleaning chemicals.
  2. Elevated BOD levels (>8,000 ppm) from biodegradable organics.
  3. Accumulation of fats and oils inhibiting microbial activity.
  4. Insufficient biogas generation in the anaerobic reactor (>30%).

Effluent Treatability Study:
To address these challenges, we performed a laboratory-scale treatability study using T1B™ Anaerobio. Key objectives included:

  • Evaluating the bioculture’s efficacy in degrading dairy effluents.
  • Assessing fat and oil breakdown.
  • Measuring improvements in COD/BOD reduction and biogas generation.

Microscopic analysis and biochemical oxygen demand tests confirmed the suitability of T1B™ Anaerobio for dairy effluents, demonstrating enhanced organic load degradation and microbial activity.

T1B™ Anaerobio: Enhancing Anaerobic Performance
T1B™ Anaerobio is a specialized microbial consortium designed for high-organic-load effluents. Its robust microbial strains effectively degrade fats, proteins, and carbohydrates while improving methanogenesis. The formulation ensures consistent performance even under fluctuating load conditions.


  1. Plant Optimization:
    • Desludging the anaerobic reactor to remove inactive biomass and accumulated fats.
    • Optimizing hydraulic retention time (HRT) for consistent loading.
  2. Dosing Regime:
    • A 60-day dosing schedule:
      • Phase 1 (Days 1-30): High initial dose for microbial seeding and system stabilization.
      • Phase 2 (Days 31-60): Maintenance dose to sustain microbial activity and fat degradation.
  3. Monitoring Parameters:
    • COD, BOD, and fat content reduction.
    • Biogas yield (methane content).
    • Sludge granulation and volatile fatty acid (VFA) accumulation.

The implementation of T1B™ Anaerobio led to significant improvements in treatment efficiency. Results are summarized below:

Parameter Day 1 Day 15 Day 30 Day 45 Day 60
COD (ppm) 15,000 10,500 6,800 3,500 1,000
BOD (ppm) 8,000 5,200 3,100 1,800 450
Fat Content (mg/L) 500 320 180 80 20
Methane (%) 25% 27.8% 31% 34.5% 42%


  1. COD Reduction: Achieved a 93% reduction by Day 60, meeting regulatory standards.
  2. BOD Reduction: Realized a 94% reduction, ensuring safe discharge.
  3. Fat Degradation: Effective breakdown of fats, eliminating clogging issues.
  4. Methanogenesis Improvement: Methane content in biogas increased from 25% to 42%, boosting energy recovery.

Graphical Insights:

  1. COD/BOD Reduction: A cylindrical chart illustrating the progressive decline in COD and BOD levels over 60 days.
  2. Biogas Composition: A cylindrical chart showing the improvement in methane content during the treatment period.

The use of T1B™ Anaerobio significantly improved the performance of the dairy industry’s effluent treatment plant. Enhanced COD/BOD reduction, fat degradation, and biogas production ensured compliance with environmental standards and contributed to the client’s sustainability objectives.

For more information on T1B™ Anaerobio and our wastewater treatment solutions, please visit our website.

Exposing Hidden Costs in ETP Operations: How Biocultures Can Save Money for Industries

Effluent Treatment Plants (ETPs) are critical for ensuring compliance with environmental regulations while maintaining sustainable industrial operations. However, many industries face hidden operational costs that often go unnoticed. For instance, energy costs can constitute up to 40-60% of total operational expenses in wastewater treatment plants, while sludge management and disposal can account for an additional 15-25%. Frequent RO membrane replacements and chemical usage further inflate the maintenance budget.

By identifying and addressing these hidden costs, industries can optimize their ETPs, and one effective solution lies in the strategic use of biocultures. Let’s explore these costs, including their impact on Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems and Multiple Effect Evaporators (MEE), and how biocultures can unlock substantial cost savings.

  1. Energy Consumption: A Silent Drainer

Energy consumption is a significant operational cost in ETPs, especially in processes involving aeration, RO systems, and MEE. Aeration systems, essential for biological treatment, consume a substantial amount of energy. RO and MEE, often used in Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) setups, escalate costs due to high-pressure requirements and thermal energy demand.

Solution with Biocultures: Biocultures enhance the biological degradation of organic pollutants, reducing the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in the influent. By improving biological efficiency, the load on subsequent processes like RO and MEE decreases, lowering energy requirements for treating high-TDS effluents.

  1. Sludge Management: The Hidden Expense

Sludge generation is a byproduct of wastewater treatment, and its transportation, handling, and disposal add up to significant costs. Inefficient biological processes often lead to higher sludge volumes, directly impacting these expenses.

Solution with Biocultures: Targeted biocultures improve the biodegradability of wastewater, reducing sludge production. These microbial solutions optimize the breakdown of organic and inorganic matter, minimizing the quantity of sludge generated and the associated disposal costs.

  1. RO Fouling and Maintenance

RO membranes are prone to fouling due to organic matter, scaling, and microbial growth, leading to frequent cleaning and replacement. These maintenance activities increase operational downtime and costs.

Solution with Biocultures: Pre-treating wastewater with biocultures reduces the organic load and microbial activity before it reaches the RO stage. This mitigates fouling issues, extends membrane life, and reduces the frequency of cleaning cycles.

  1. High Operational Costs of MEE

MEE is used to concentrate wastewater with high Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). The thermal energy required for evaporation is a significant cost factor. The presence of organic compounds in the feedwater further complicates the process, leading to scaling and increased energy demands.

Solution with Biocultures: Biocultures help degrade organic matter and reduce TDS levels in the feedwater, improving the efficiency of MEE operations. Cleaner feedwater minimizes scaling, reduces energy consumption, and lowers maintenance costs.

  1. Non-Compliance Penalties

Failure to meet discharge standards can result in fines, legal battles, and reputational damage. Non-compliance often stems from inadequate treatment efficiencies or inconsistent process performance.

Solution with Biocultures: Biocultures provide a robust and consistent solution for meeting stringent discharge norms. Their ability to adapt to varying wastewater characteristics ensures stable treatment performance, reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties.

  1. Overuse of Chemicals

Many ETPs rely heavily on chemical dosing for coagulation, flocculation, and pH adjustment. Overdosing not only increases operational costs but also generates secondary pollutants.

Solution with Biocultures:  Biocultures reduce the dependency on chemicals by improving the natural biodegradation processes. This minimizes chemical costs and helps maintain an eco-friendlier treatment process.

Here is a visual data representation showing improvements:

Here are enhanced visualizations:

  1. Main Pie Charts:
    • The first row compares the overall cost distributions before and after implementing bioremediation.
    • It highlights reductions in energy, sludge management, chemical costs, and RO & MEE maintenance, while showing an increase in “Other Costs.”
  2. Detailed Breakdown of “Other Costs”:
    • The second row provides clarity on “Other Costs” in both scenarios:
      • Before Bioremediation: Comprises miscellaneous expenses and penalties for non-compliance.
      • After Bioremediation: Includes miscellaneous expenses and contingency savings (reflecting operational efficiency and reduced unexpected costs).

 These visualizations offer a clearer picture of how bioremediation reshapes cost structures.


ETP operations often involve hidden costs that can erode profitability if left unchecked. By leveraging biocultures, industries can enhance the efficiency of biological treatment, reduce energy and chemical usage, and minimize sludge generation. Moreover, biocultures can improve the performance of RO and MEE systems, translating into substantial cost savings.

Investing in biocultures is not just an operational improvement but a strategic decision to ensure sustainability and financial efficiency. It’s time industries uncover these hidden costs and embrace biocultures for a cleaner, greener, and more cost-effective future.

Improved COD Removal Efficiency in a CETP Using T1B Aerobio Cultures


A Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) is designed to collect, treat, and discharge effluents from multiple industries. Treating CETP effluent is particularly challenging due to the complex mix of organic and inorganic compounds, heavy metals, and pollutants. The use of bio cultures for CETP wastewater treatment offers a sustainable, cost-effective solution to these challenges.

One of our CETP clients in Gujarat (GIDC) received effluents from diverse sources, including textile, chemical, dyes, intermediate, and food industries. These effluents exhibited high levels of COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand), and color. The CETP, with a capacity of 100 MLD, utilized SBR technology for wastewater treatment.

ETP Flow chart:

  • Treatment Process: Primary treatment → SBR-based biological treatment.
  • Setup: 10 SBR tanks, each processing 10 MLD of effluent.
  • Flow Rate: 10 MLD
  • COD Levels:
  1. Inlet COD: 1500 to 2200 ppm
  2. Outlet COD (post-SBR): 500 to 700 ppm


  • The CETP sought to improve COD removal efficiency and reduce effluent color levels.
  • It required robust and active bacterial cultures for CETP treatment to handle shock loads during peak seasons and maintain performance during winters.
  • Stabilizing the system’s biomass and enhancing its resilience were key objectives.

The approach: It was decided that we go ahead with one of their worst performing SBR tank.  After conducting a lab base trail and WMA, we went ahead with our techno-commercial offer for 10 MLD for one of their SBR. (Please Note: The lab trial carried out is specifically designed to provide a clear indication of whether our microbial consortia can grow in their effluent along with some reduction in the pollution parameters. WMA shows the health of the current biomass which tell us a lot in terms of the biological efficiency and future direction)

 Steps Taken:

  • Assessment of Active Microbes: Analyzed the current status of active microbes and the overall biological efficiency of the system.
  • Lowering MLSS (Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids): Reduced MLSS levels from 4000+ ppm to around 2000 ppm to enable faster stabilization of T1B Aerobio cultures.
  • Bioaugmentation with T1B Aerobio Cultures: Introduced robust microbial consortia into the SBR system, gradually establishing a strong microbial population.

Dosing Schedule:

  • Total Dosing: 900 kg of T1B Aerobio cultures over 2 months.
  • Phase 1 (Month 1): Higher doses to establish microbial activity.
  • Phase 2 (Month 2): Maintenance dosing to sustain efficiency.

Results and discussions:

  • The bioaugmented SBR had better reduction in terms of COD removal more by 25 to 40% as compared to their other SBR tanks.
  • The biomass in the SBR tank was much more stable and robust as compared to biomass in other tanks as per the Wastewater Microbiome Report “WMA” as below.

What is Wastewater Microbiome Analysis (WMA)?

 Microscopic analyses of any biological system should be a critical component of any ongoing daily, weekly, or monthly monitor and control programs in your WWTP.

WMA helps you to correlate the health of the system, any changes in floc structures, higher life forms, oxygen penetration, filamentous identification, polysaccharide coating of the bacteria, and suspended solids can be determined by using a high-end microscope and examining the biomass. WMA can help not only show exactly what the health of the system is at a given time but can also help predict which direction the plant is headed if used regularly. It can also help prevent critical upsets, or can also be used as an early warning and help avoid costly chemical consumption

Key Components of WMA:

  1. Floc Analysis
  • Floc Size Distribution: Determines the settleability of sludge. Ideal floc sizes range from 100 to 5000 µm.
  • EPS/Slime Analysis: Evaluates the floc-forming properties of bacteria, which are critical for stable treatment processes.
  • Sludge Age Analysis: Assesses the biological health of the plant using parameters like SRT and MCRT.
  • Oxygen Penetration: Analyzes oxygen availability within flocs, ensuring aerobic conditions for microbial activity.
  1. Filamentous Biomass Analysis
  • Identifies harmful filaments (e.g., Nocardia) that can cause foaming or bulking.
  • Staining methods like Neisser and Gram staining help classify filaments.
  1. Higher Life Form Analysis
  • Identifies protozoa, metazoa, and other organisms that indicate system health and sludge age.


Basic WMA findings

From the microscopic images of bioaugmented SBR (with T1B Aerobio cultures) and non-bioaugmented SBR (without T1B Aerobio cultures) it can be clearly seen the number, size, structure of sample of sludge from treated SBR shows better quantifiable microbial activities then non treated SBR which can also be seen from the better reduction in terms of COD.


Looking to improve your CETP performance? Choose T1B Aerobio cultures for robust, efficient, and eco-friendly wastewater treatment. Contact us today to transform your effluent management system!

Phosphorus Removal from a Sewage Treatment Plant using T1B STP Bio culture

Introduction: Sewage treatment plants (STPs) play a crucial role in maintaining the environmental quality of water bodies. The excessive presence of phosphorus compounds in sewage can lead to the uncontrolled growth of algae, disrupting aquatic ecosystems and depleting healthy flora and fauna. To address this challenge, innovative and eco-friendly solutions like biological treatment with bio-culture for phosphorus removal have gained prominence. One of our clients in Pune was facing persistent issues with high phosphorus levels in wastewater. Their treatment system utilized an activated sludge process (ASP).

STP Flow chart:

  • Treatment Process: Primary treatment → Biological treatment → Tertiary treatment
  • Flow Capacity: 500 m³/day
  • Inlet Phosphorus: 50 ppm
  • Outlet Phosphorus: 40 ppm


The sewage treatment plant faced several challenges, including:

  1. High phosphorus levels in treated sewage, exceeding permissible discharge limits and threatening downstream water bodies.
  2. Operational inefficiencies due to excessive phosphorus loads, adversely affecting overall treatment performance.
  3. Compliance issues with local environmental regulations, posing risks of fines and reputational damage.
  4. A need for improved efficiency in aeration tanks to enhance phosphorus removal efficiency and reduce odour.


The biological treatment system exhibited limited efficiency, achieving only 15%-20% phosphorus reduction. Conventional ASP processes struggled to treat organic pollutants and phosphorus effectively, making it difficult to meet stringent discharge standards. The client sought a solution that could optimize the treatment process while ensuring compliance with regulatory norms.


T1B STP Bio-culture, a specialized solution for biological phosphorus removal (EBPR), was introduced. Its unique formulation with polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs) enabled the efficient removal of phosphorus through intracellular storage.

Steps Taken:

  1. Biocultures Integration: T1B STP Bio-culture was introduced into the aeration tanks. This bio-culture consisted of PAO bacteria adapted to thrive in the plant’s treatment conditions.
  2. Monitoring and Adjustment: Continuous monitoring of phosphorus levels, pH, temperature, and dissolved oxygen ensured optimal conditions for PAO activity. A 60-day dosing plan was implemented, with a higher dose in the first month and maintenance doses in the second month.
  3. Process Optimization: The treatment parameters were fine-tuned to support PAO growth, including adjustments to dissolved oxygen, pH, and temperature.


We observed that after the addition of our cultures, The phosphorous level was significantly reduced.


Day 1

Day 15 Day 30  Day 45  Day 60
phosphorous ppm 50 45 35 22



The use of T1B STP Bio-culture for sewage treatment delivered significant improvements:

  1. Phosphorus Reduction: Achieved an 80% reduction in phosphorus levels.
  2. Odour Control: Reduced odour by 90%, enhancing the surrounding environment.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: The plant consistently met the discharge standards for phosphorus removal, alleviating environmental and regulatory concerns.
  4. Operational Efficiency: Optimized treatment processes resulted in fewer operational disruptions and higher overall efficiency.


The introduction of T1B STP Bio-culture provided an effective, eco-friendly, and sustainable solution for phosphorus removal from sewage. The plant’s efficiency improved significantly, ensuring compliance with pollution control norms and stabilizing overall operations.

By adopting this innovative biological treatment method, the sewage treatment plant set a benchmark for efficient and environmentally responsible wastewater management.

Transforming Dairy Wastewater Treatment: Innovative Treatment Solutions for a Sustainable Future

Wastewater treatment is a process which removes and eliminates contaminants from wastewater. It thus converts it into an effluent that can be returned to the water cycle. Once back in the water cycle, the effluent creates an acceptable impact on the environment. It is also possible to reuse it.

History Of Waste Water Treatment Plant:

Robert Thom, a Scottish engineer, constructed the first wastewater treatment facility at the beginning of the 18th century. The factory used slow sand filters to purify the water before distributing it to everyone, inside the Paisley city limits via an early sewer system.

A sedimentation basin was receiving water from the plant through a bed of dirt and stones. With the aid of coagulants and flocculants, particle settling within the sedimentation basin was hastened by the formation of larger particle flocs. Before the water was kept in a transparent well basin, finer particles were removed in a gravel filter and slow sand filter.

The concept quickly expanded throughout the entire UK and then to Europe, after Thom’s initial construction of a wastewater treatment plant.

Slow Sand Filtration Waste Water Treatment:

Slow sand filtration is a simple and reliable process. They are relatively inexpensive to build, but do require highly skilled operators. The process percolates untreated water slowly through a bed of porous sand, with the influent water introduced over the surface of the filter, and then drained from the bottom. Properly constructed, the filter consists of a tank, a bed of fine sand, a layer of gravel to support the sand, a system of underdrains to collect the filtered water, and a flow regulator to control the filtration rate. No chemicals are added to aid the filtration process.

Wastewater Treatment in Dairy Effluent Treatment:

The dairy industry faces significant challenges in managing wastewater due to the large amounts of organic matter, nutrients, and other pollutants present in the wastewater. Finding sustainable ways to handle dairy wastewater has become more crucial than ever due to mounting regulatory pressure and environmental obligations. To lessen the environmental effect of dairy processing while maintaining compliance and encouraging water conservation, we examine cutting-edge treatment techniques, difficulties, and new technology.

Challenges in the Dairy Wastewater Industry:

The dairy industry faces several challenges related to wastewater management. These challenges stem from the large volumes of water used in dairy production, processing, and cleaning operations, as well as the composition of the wastewater.

Some key issues include:

1.BOD/COD Levels: Rich in fats, proteins, and lactose, leading to high biochemical and chemical oxygen demand (BOD/COD).

  1. 2. Nutrient Overload: Excess nitrogen and phosphorus can cause water eutrophication.
  2. pH Fluctuations: Varying pH levels affect treatment processes,
  3. 4. Suspended Solids: Solids can clog systems and reduce treatment efficiency.
  4. 5. Oil and Grease: Fats and oils can block systems and damage equipment.
  5. 6. Odor: Decomposing organic matter produces unpleasant smells.
  6. 7. Pathogens: Can pose health risks if untreated.
  7. Regulatory Compliance: Strict limits on discharge parameters.
  8. Sludge Management: Handling and disposal of treatment sludge is challenging.
  9. 10. Energy Costs: Wastewater treatment can be energy-intensive.
  10. 11. Chemical Contaminants: Dairy production and cleaning processes include chemical contaminants which is hard to remove.

Introducing T1B Aerobio: Dairy Wastewater Treatment with Advanced Bioremediation Solutions: Reduces aeration processing in Wastewater treatment. Improves functioning & efficiency of biological units in WTP. Useful in activated sludge process bioreactors & biodigestersWith T1B Aerobio, a state-of-the-art bioremediation technology created especially to meet the particular difficulties faced by the dairy industry, Team One Biotech is setting the standard for sustainable wastewater treatment. We provide focused, efficient solutions for your wastewater management needs by providing customized microbial solutions that degrade the high amounts of organic matter—such as lipids, proteins, and sugars—found in dairy effluent.

T1B Aerobio can deliver following results:

  1. Reduces BOD and COD: Our microbes lower BOD and COD, making wastewater less harmful to the environment.
  2. Provides Nutrient Control: Target excess nitrogen and phosphorus, preventing eutrophication and ensuring regulatory compliance.
  3. pH Stabilization: Microorganisms adapt to different pH levels, stabilizing the treatment process.
  4. Suspended Solids Reduction: Break down solids, improving filtration and preventing clogs.
  5. FOG Degradation: Degrade fats, oils, and greases, preventing blockages and reducing equipment damage.
  6. Odor Reduction: Minimize foul-smelling gases, reducing Odors.
  7. Pathogen Control: Outcompete harmful pathogens, lowering health risks.
  8. Regulatory Compliance: Address organic load, nutrient levels, and pathogens to meet regulations.
  9. Sludge Management: Regulate sludge volume, reducing disposal costs and optimizing biogas production.
  10. Cost Efficiency: Reduce energy and treatment costs through optimized biological processes.
  11. Chemical Breakdown: Break down or capture chemical contaminants for safer wastewater.


To sum up, Team One Biotech is essential in helping the dairy industry meet the complex issues associated with wastewater treatment. Team One Biotech provides solutions that not only manage the high organic load, nutrient overload, and suspended solids prevalent in dairy effluents, but also limit environmental consequences through the use of cutting-edge bioremediation technology. Their specialized methodology guarantees that every solution is made to fit the unique requirements of the dairy business, taking into account elements like volume, composition, and legal restrictions.

Team One Biotech helps cut operational expenses by improving wastewater treatment process efficiency and lowering energy requirements through sustainable practices. Additionally, by encouraging the harmful contaminants to break down naturally, their bioremediation methods help to protect the ecosystem over the long run.

Are you struggling to manage costs for your industrial wastewater treatment? Take the Next Step Towards Sustainable and Cost-Effective Dairy Wastewater Management Solutions and Technologies.

Connect with our wastewater experts now – +91 8855050575 or

Tips For Maintaining Septic Tank

A septic tank is an underground, watertight chamber typically constructed from concrete, fiberglass, or polyethylene. Its primary function is to retain wastewater for a sufficient period, allowing solids to settle at the bottom as sludge, while oils and grease rise to the surface, forming a layer of scum.

Is your Septic Tank facing issues similar to this?

Septic tanks, while effective for managing wastewater in areas without centralized sewage systems, can encounter several issues that impact their performance and longevity. Here are some common problems faced with septic tanks:

  1. Clogs & Blockages: Solids can clog pipes, leading to backups and sluggish drainage.
  2. Scum & Sludge: Unpumped tanks might overflow, accumulate, or break.
  3. Drain Field Failure: Clogs lead to the surface of effluent, which produces smells and poses health dangers.
  4. Leaks and Cracks: Ground water is contaminated by leaky, cracked tanks.
  5. Non-biodegradables: Chemicals or flushing wipes degrade surfaces and require expensive repairs.
  6. Inadequate Installation: Poor drainage and frequent spills are caused by poor design.
  7. Chemical Imbalance: Chemicals reduce efficiency by killing microorganisms.
  8. Odors: Bad odors point to leaks or obstructions that require immediate repair.

 How To Resolve the Above, Here Are Some Tips:

Know Your System: Familiarize yourself with the location of your septic tank and drain field to prevent accidental damage during yard work or construction.

Fix Plumbing Leaks Promptly: Address any plumbing leaks immediately to prevent excess water from entering the septic system.

Use Septic-Safe Cleaners: Choose products that are septic-friendly and avoid harsh chemicals and antibacterial soaps that can disrupt the beneficial bacteria in the tank.

Pump the Tank Regularly: Septic tanks generally need to be pumped every 3 to 5 years. The frequency depends on the tank’s size and household usage. Regular pumping helps prevent clogs and overflow.

Monitor Water Usage: Excessive water usage can overload your septic system. Install water-saving fixtures and spread-out activities like laundry and dishwashing to avoid overwhelming the system.

Schedule Regular Inspections: Have a professional inspect your septic system every 1 to 3 years, depending on its size and household usage, to catch potential issues early.

Introducing T1B Septic – The Ultimate Solution for Your Septic Tank Problems

T1B Septic Cleaning Powder is your go-to solution for maintaining a clean, odor-free, and smoothly running septic system.

Powered by natural bacteria and enzymes, T1B Septic works tirelessly to break down waste, reduce sludge, and keep your system operating at its best.

T1B Septic can deliver following results:

  1. Reduction in organic sludge & nutrients.
  2. Degrades faecal sludge quickly and effective.
  3. An economical approach to biodegrade septage.
  4. Suppresses disease-causing faecal coliform.
  5. Excellent odour & VOC control.
  6. Lowers frequent pump outs.


Don’t wait for septic problems to escalate. With T1B Septic Cleaning Powder, you can maintain a cleaner, more efficient system while saving on maintenance costs. Whether you manage a home, society, hostel, or restaurant, this is the solution you’ve been waiting for.

Ready to resolve your Septic Tank Problems?

Shop Now At: and get 10% off on first purchase.

Shock loads in wastewater treatment
Understanding Shock Loads in Wastewater Treatment: Types, Challenges, and Solutions

In the complex world of wastewater treatment, shock loads pose significant challenges. These sudden spikes in pollutant concentration can overwhelm treatment processes, affecting efficiency and resilience. Originating from sources such as industrial discharges, stormwater runoff, and accidental spills, shock loads vary in type and impact. Understanding these different types, the industries they affect, and the challenges they bring is crucial for effective wastewater management.

Types of Shock Loads:

  1. Organic Shock Loads: High concentrations of organic compounds, often from food processing plants, breweries, and agricultural facilities, can overwhelm microbial populations, leading to decreased treatment efficiency and issues like odors and sludge bulking.
  2. Toxic Shock Loads: Industrial pollutants such as heavy metals, solvents, and pesticides can inhibit microbial activity, disrupting biological processes and posing risks to both human health and the environment.
  3. Hydraulic Shock Loads: Sudden changes in flow rate or hydraulic loading due to heavy rainfall or industrial production shifts can strain treatment systems, leading to operational challenges and potential overflows.

Industries and Effluent Characteristics:

The nature and impact of shock loads depend heavily on the industry generating the wastewater:

  • Food Processing: This sector often produces wastewater rich in organic matter, fats, oils, and grease (FOG), contributing to organic shock loads and challenging the biological stability of treatment systems.
  • Chemical Manufacturing: Wastewater from chemical production can contain acids, alkalis, heavy metals, and complex organic compounds, requiring specialized treatment to mitigate their impact on aquatic ecosystems and public health.
  • Textile and Tannery: These industries produce wastewater with dyes, solvents, and heavy metals, which can disrupt microbial communities and compromise effluent quality.

Challenges in Wastewater Treatment Systems

Shock loads present a range of operational, environmental, and regulatory challenges:

  1. Process Upsets: Shock loads can destabilize treatment processes, leading to fluctuations in dissolved oxygen levels, pH, and nutrient concentrations, which in turn disrupt microbial populations and decrease treatment efficiency.
  2. Sludge Management: Excessive organic or toxic loading increases sludge production, complicating dewatering, handling, and disposal.
  3. Compliance Issues: Failure to meet regulatory standards during shock events can result in fines and reputational damage.
  4. Environmental Impacts: Untreated or inadequately treated wastewater can contaminate surface waters, harm aquatic ecosystems, and pose health risks.

The Role of Bioremediation in Managing Shock Loads

Bioremediation is a sustainable, cost-effective approach to managing shock loads in wastewater treatment. By leveraging the metabolic capabilities of microorganisms, bioremediation enhances the resilience of treatment systems and improves their capacity to withstand shock events.

Strategies for Bioremediation:

  • Bioaugmentation: Introducing specific microbial strains to degrade target contaminants can enhance the treatment performance of activated sludge systems, restoring functionality after shock loads.
  • Biostimulation: Optimizing environmental conditions and providing essential nutrients promotes the growth of indigenous microorganisms, improving natural biodegradation processes.
  • Biofiltration: Biofilm-based technologies, like trickling filters and rotating biological contactors, can improve the resilience of treatment plants to varying hydraulic and organic loads.

Benefits of Bioremediation:

  • Resilience and Stability: Bioremediation enhances the adaptive capacity of wastewater systems, maintaining consistent performance during shock events.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Compared to conventional methods, bioremediation offers a more economical solution for managing fluctuating pollutant concentrations.
  • Effective Sludge Management: Robust microbial consortia help control excessive sludge production and improve sludge handling.


Shock loads in wastewater treatment, though challenging, can be effectively managed with bioremediation and other proactive measures. By understanding the types and impacts of shock loads, industries can adopt strategies that ensure compliance, environmental protection, and operational efficiency.

Curious to know more? Get a FREE sample of our Bioremediation Solutions for your effluent treatment or schedule a 1:1 consultation with our technical experts.

Wastewater Treatment for Distillery
Effective Wastewater Treatment for Distillery in Amravati, Maharashtra

The Integrated Distillery, a prominent food processing unit, specializes in producing whiskey and rum. Dedicated to environmental sustainability, they operate a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) to manage the industrial effluent generated during production. However, the distillery faced challenges in consistently meeting discharge limits for specific pollutants, particularly due to the seasonal operation of their effluent treatment plant (ETP). To overcome these issues, they implemented a bioaugmentation program, resulting in substantial improvements in treatment efficiency and regulatory compliance.

 ETP details:

The industry had primary treatment, biological treatment, and then a tertiary treatment.

Flow (current) 1200 KLD
Flow (design) 1500 KLD
Type of process ASP
No. of aeration tanks 2 (in series)
Capacity of aeration tanks 2000 KL each
RT 37-39 hours(each)



The primary and biological treatments were significantly underperforming, leading to inefficiencies:

Parameters Inlet parameters Outlet parameters
COD 4,000 to 6,000 3500 to 5780
BOD 2000 to 3100 1500 to 2600
  • The primary treatment was working at 5 % efficiency in terms of COD reduction
  • The Biological treatment was working at an average 8 to 10% efficiency in terms of COD reduction.

They were struggling to effectively treat pollutants which compelled them to run the ETP at 40% less hydraulic load. The FOG in the effluent was uncontrolled as there was a high accumulation in pipes and equipment also which was the reason for higher CAPEX and OPEX. The conventional ASP treatment process was not efficient enough to consistently meet the stringent discharge limits for these pollutants set by local regulatory agencies. As a result, the industry faced the risk of non-compliance, which could lead to fines, reputational damage, and environmental impact.

Another main reason of the inefficiency was the seasonal operation of the ETP due to which the biomass which would have developed in course of its operation died completely due to lack of activity.

Our Approach:
The industry partnered with us to improve the efficiency of their biological units. They had a total of 2 aeration tanks, which were in series. With a total daily flow of around 1200 KLD. Our team conducted a visit to understand the process of the ETP and the timing of 3 months during its operation was selected.

After analysis, it was decided that the commissioning procedure would be followed where the flow rate will be gradually increased starting from 500 KL/day to achieving a full capacity of 1500 kl/day in order to generate healthy biomass via Bioaugmentation. Bioaugmentation is a process that involves adding specifically selected microorganisms, such as bacteria or enzymes, to enhance the biological treatment process in a WWTP. The team conducted a thorough assessment of the effluent characteristics and the WWTP’s operational parameters to identify the most suitable bioaugmentation approach.

Based on the assessment, a customized bioaugmentation program was designed and implemented at the industry. The selected microorganisms were carefully selected to target the organic pollutants The bioaugmentation program was integrated into the existing treatment process, and the performance of the WWTP was closely monitored for the next 3 months.

The program aimed to:

  1. Enhance COD/BOD degradation
  2. Optimize hydraulic load
  3. Develop resilient biomass to handle shock loads

Following the analysis, we introduced T1B Aerobio, a formulation of facultative microbes that secrete enzymes to break down COD, BOD, and FOG. A three-month dosing schedule was established.

Reduces aeration processing in Wastewater treatment. Improves functioning & efficiency of biological units in WTP. Useful in activated sludge process bioreactors & biodigesters



The implementation of the bioaugmentation program resulted in significant improvements in the performance of biological units in their WWTP:

  • We were able to achieve around 80 to 89 % reduction from their current outlet parameters in COD & BOD
  • Biomass was developed with MLVSS values between 2800-3200.
  • The bioaugmentation program also resulted in other operational benefits for the industry.
  • The ETP achieved full capacity operations in terms of hydraulic load.
  • The biological process became more stable and resilient to fluctuations in the influent characteristics.
  • Increased plant reliability and reduced operational costs.

Are you facing similar challenges in industrial wastewater treatment? Explore the potential of bioremediation, and connect with our technical experts today:

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