Acqua S – Detoxifying Aquaculture Ponds, Aquatic Animal Growth, Disease Resistance, Probiotic Environment, Water and Soil Probiotic

Team One Biotech presents T1B Acqua S, a special formulated probiotic for Penaeus vannamei and Penaeus monodon farming. The specific bacterial strains are responsible for decomposing organic pollutants and contaminants present in water bodies, keeping the sludge build-up at bay, works in high density culture, cleansing the water source, and improving the overall quality of water necessary for a high-quality yield of aquatic farming.

Toxic gases such as H2S and SO2 can cause a decrease in dissolved oxygen levels in aquaculture ponds, increase stress and mortality rates for aquatic beings and lead to poor growth rates. The microorganisms present in T1B Acqua S prevent the proliferation of toxic gases and harmful pollutants such as – ammonia, ammonical nitrogen, hydrogen sulphide, sulphur rich compounds – in aquaculture systems and tanks.

By reducing these harmful contaminants the solution Acqua S by Team One Biotech improves the dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in pond water, breaks down excess sludge, and protects the aquatic animals from soil-borne pathogens and parasites.

The microbial formulation T1B Acqua S is a great addition as a water & soil probiotic especially for fresh water and saline water aquatic farming.

The use of T1B Acqua S in aquaculture is an economical and ecologically safe solution for preventing the build-up of toxic gases and promoting the health and productivity of aquatic life forms. By improving water quality, reducing abiotic and biotic stress, preventing disease-causing pathogens, and enhancing growth performance, the probiotic can help ensure the sustainability and profitability of the aquaculture industry while minimizing its environmental impact.

T1B Acqua S | Microbial Bio-solution To Reduce Sludge Buildup For aquaculture ponds – Controls Pathogenic Growth & Supports shrimp molting

 Detoxifying Aquaculture Ponds – Aquatic Animal Growth – Disease Resistance – Probiotic Environment – Water And Soil Probiotic – Aquaculture Probiotic – Shrimp Pond Bacteria – Ammonia, Nitrite, And Sulfide Reduction – Improved Animal Survival And Yields – High Stocking Density – Mineralization – Hatchery Water – Healthier Aquatic Animal – Suppresses The Growth Of Harmful Bacteria – Reduces Need For Water Exchanges – Zoea Syndrome Problems – Penaeus Vannamei Probiotic – Intensive Aquaculture – Penaeus Monodon Probiotic – Biological Water Conditioner – Accumulation Of Toxic Gases – Eco-Friendly Bacteria – Probiotic Bacteria – Improved FCR – Zero Water Exchange – Cost Effective Probiotic – Lactobacillus Casei Probiotics – White Gut Probiotic – Bifidobacterium Bifidum Probiotics – Shrimps Aqua Probiotic Powder – Shrimps Lactobacillus Bulgaricus – Nitrosomonas Nitrobacter – Probiotic Enzymes – Consortium Of Bacillus Species – Sludge Eliminator – Increase Shrimp Size And Yield – Eliminates Pond Sludge – Controls Toxic Gases In The Water – Heterotrophic Bacteria – Good Probiotics – Mass Mortality – Special Probiotic – Fresh Water Probiotics – Saline Water Probiotics – Fast Growth Probiotic – Improved Molting – Controlling Pathogens – Enzyme Producing Bacteria – Nitrogen Control – Hydrogen Sulfide Removal – Nutrient Absorption Through Enzymatic Activity – Algal Bloom – Best Water And Soil Probiotic

Bio Floc – Probiotics for Biofloc Tanks, Fish Farms, Healthier Aquatic Animal, Eco-Friendly Bacteria

A unique blend of various bacteria species with distinct characteristics and properties such as nitrogen fixation, ammonical nitrogen degradation, antimicrobial compound production, reduction of organic sludge waste to nutrients and promotion of biofloc formation is the primary constituent of Team One Biotech’s T1B Bio-floc.

The advanced and innovative solution has been specifically crafted to accelerate biofloc formation process and act as a probiotics supplement for aquaculture systems for fish, shrimp and prawn bio floc  farming.

The dense microbial community or biofloc provides a natural food source for the aquatic animal life forms being cultured. The formation of biofloc is subjected to the right balance of nutrient proportions, microbial species and environmental conditions. T1B Bio-floc addresses all these challenges by amplifying nutrient cycling, degrading harmful pollutants such as ammonia and hydrogen sulphide, and improving disease resistance to pathogens.

T1B Bio-floc boosts the survival rates, growth and production of cultured life forms, and also reduces the feed costs thereby improving the Feed Conversion Ratio.

Team One BioT1B biofloc | Fast growing microbial mix For Biofloc Formation In Fish Farming & Aquaponics Farming – Fixes Nitrogen & Reduces Ammonia In Water For Aquaculture

 Biofloc Probiotic – Big Flocs – Probiotics For Biofloc Tanks – Biofloc Fish Farms – Best Biofloc Probiotic – High Stocking Density – Ammonia Reducers – Mineralization – Healthier Aquatic Animal – Suppresses The Growth Of Harmful Bacteria – Reduces Need For Water Exchanges – Biological Water Conditioner – Reduces Ammonia Levels – Eco-Friendly Bacteria – Probiotic Bacteria – Proteinaceous Floc Formation – Zero Water Exchange – Cost Effective Probiotic – Probiotic Enzymes – Controls Toxic Gases In The Water – Special Probiotic – Best Probiotics For Biofloc Shrimp And Fish Farming – Controls And Neutralizes TAN (Total Ammonia Nitrogen) – Converts Uneaten Feed Into Protein Cells, Which Is Known As FLOC – Fresh Water Probiotics – Saline Water Probiotics – Fast Growth Probiotic – Nitrogen Control –  Hydrogen Sulfide Removal


Aquaculture Inputs – Best Probiotics For Aquatic Animal Growth, Rhodococcus, Rhodobacter, Bifidobacterium Bifidum & Lactobacillus Casei

Microbial activity and microbial cultures play a crucial role in sustainable aquaculture from hatchery to the harvest of aquatic animals. Fish, Shrimp and Prawn farming industries demand that their water resources are of high quality and purity, rich and optimized nutritional value, feed efficiency and should be ideal for saline and freshwater conditions.

Microbial activity and action are a necessity for the health and growth of cultured aquatic animals. In fish or shrimp aquaculture systems, microbes can be utilized to manage water quality as they are capable of breaking down ammonical nitrogen into simpler compounds. The activity and metabolism of activated microbes can also be harnessed to improve the nutritional value of aquaculture feed by introducing prebiotics, probiotics and enzymes.

Biofloc aquatic farming is a method of raising fish or shrimp in high-density tanks or ponds with minimal water exchange. The biofloc system uses microorganisms to recycle nutrients from fish waste and feed, creating a natural food source for the fish and improving water quality. Biofloc farming has several advantages, such as reducing environmental impact, increasing productivity, enhancing disease resistance, and lowering feed costs.

Measures like BOD and COD indicate poor water quality, a problem leading to oxygen depletion, fish stress and increased risk of diseases for aquatic species. Bioremediation, phytoremediation and mycoremediation are the most viable and efficient options available to make aquaculture for food production and/or other purposes, healthier, safer, eco-friendly, economical and sustainable.

The microorganisms-based bio solutions from our aquaculture input range have a varied range of applications. These products can be used in saline water, RAS and freshwater systems. They aid in getting rid of aquatic wastes from fish, shrimps, aquaponic farming etc. The products are especially useful for koi fish farming, tilapia fish farming, Penaeus monodon shrimp farming and Penaeus vannamei shrimp farming.

Probiotics For Fish Farming & Shrimp Farming – Microbiome Bio Solutions for Feed Efficiency In Aquaculture

 Best Probiotics For Aquaculture – Aquatic Animal Growth – Biological Water Conditioner – Probiotic Bacteria – Cost Effective Probiotic – Rhodococcus – Rhodobacter – Lactobacillus Casei Probiotics – Bifidobacterium Bifidum Probiotics – Nitrosomonas Nitrobacter – Probiotic Enzymes – Consortium of Bacillus species – Bacillus Megaterium Aqua Probiotics – Sludge Eliminator – Reduces COD and BOD Levels – Unique Blend of Beneficial Bacteria – Good Probiotics – Naturally Occurring Microorganisms – Enzyme Producing Bacteria – Biofloc and Pond Culture – Special Probiotic – Bacilllus Subtilis – Bacillus Licheniformis – Bacillus Megaterium – Bacillus Pumilis – Best Probiotic – Multi Strain Microbial Product – Fresh Water Probiotics – Saline Water Probiotics – Controlling Pathogens

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